Wednesday, 13 May 2009

In comes the JCB!

A couple of problems with our little patch - number 1 it's a mainly unused field so it's rather overgrown, number 2 there is an abundance of greedy rabbits in the vicinity! Luckily number 1 was sorted last night. We happen to know a man with a JCB who very kindly cleared the area and dug two 9ft by 32ft strips out for us, he did it so well that we have no need to rotovate yay!!

The soil is beautiful and apparently very good for growing, so no excuses then, that's if the rabbits don't get the veg first.

Lily has inspected the soil and is looking forward to digging it, hopefully with a spade not her hands next time.

And problem number 2 - well we'll try and stop the rabbits with a chicken wire fence and I'm trying to research any other deterents but I think they are the bane of many an allotment holders life!

These are the 'neigh'bours so I don't think there will be much gossiping going on at this allotment. There are also 20 ish chickens kept at the other end of the field so plenty of company.

The beautiful bluebell hedge.

A friend popped in today with these plants - tomatoes, cucumber, basil, coriander, chilli and aubergine, all of which I hadn't sown already so that was very handy.

And all of my seedlings have had a growth spurt in the last few days and will really need to be planted soon.


  1. My dad used to keep an allotment years ago and there is nothing like the fresh veg it provides .... when he had to give it up after having a stroke we transplanted some fruit bushes to our garden and they are still going strong (despite my husbands best attempts with the secateurs .... he does get a little over enthusiastic sometimes and cuts off the new growth!) Some of his friends at work have started an allotment together while they are on short time working to give them something to do ... they are all thoroughly enjoying it, are keeping fit and will have some lovely grub at the end of it .... perfick!

  2. well done, what a busy day you had.I can't wait to see what you do next as I am living my vegi plot through your blog at the moment since moving and leaving it behind at the other house. keep it up xxxx t
