Wednesday 15 June 2011

April and May 2011

Whoops first blog of the year! In March/April I sowed the seeds at home.
We bought a small polytunnel.
Early May saw lots of flowers on the strawberries and we planted the sweetcorn
doubly protected from the pheasants with upended plant pots and netting.
I had sweet peppers, & 3 types of chilli (Cayenne, Jalapeno & Habanero) growing everywhere
!st and 2nd Earlies doing well and the ground was so dry.
In the polytunnel there was an invasion of cucumber plants.
At the end of the month we started picking strawberries and the first cucumber was formed.

This year we are growing:
*French beans (purple queen & golden butter) *Broad beans *Runner beans
*Peas *Kohlrabi *Pak Choi (white & red) *Kale (curly & Cavolo de Nero) *Carrot *Parsnip *Turnip *Swede *Potatoes (1st earlies, 2nd earlies, maincrop) *Swiss Chard *Shallots (Golden Gourmet & Red Sun) *Red onions *Garlic *Purple sprouting brocolli * Brussel Sprouts *Cabbage *Cauliflower *Sweetcorn *Baby corn *Cucumber *Courgette *Pumpkin *Marrow *Pattypan *Butternut squash *Tomato *Cherry tomato *Tomatillo *Beetroot *Leeks *Sweet Pepper *Chillies (Cayenne, Habanero, Jalapeno) *Cape Goosebery *Aubergine *Salad leaves, lettuce, rocket, mustard. *Basil *Coriander
*Strawberry *Raspberry *Redcurrant *Blackcurrant *Red gooseberry *Blueberry *Rhubarb
We also have Lavender, Sweet Williams, Gladioli Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums, Sunflowers and Marigolds to encourage bees and to cut of course.

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